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BallsThere are many different types of balls, but they can all be divided into two groups: surlyn and balata. Surlyn balls are better for beginners, because they fly further and are easier to hit. Balata balls don't fly as far, but a good player can gain more control over them, they're also harder to hit. So the first choice for a beginner is a surlyn ball. Of course you can try both of the types. Golf balls are also made in different hardnesses. A hard ball doesn't fly furher like some people say, so it's just a matter of feel. The hardness is usually labelled on a ball with a number: 100 is the hardest, 90 is normal, and 70 and 80 are soft. Again it's good to try out all of them and see which one feels the best and the most reliable. A problem with new golf balls is their price, that's why many people by used balls. Used balls may sound bad, but they're actually almost as good as the new ones, and they sometimes cost less than 20 € cents. To get them you can ask from people in your club, incase they know someone who sells them, you can also ask the grass cutters or other workers at the golf course, because they often sell them. Used balls are very popular in some countries, but some people say that what's the point of buying used balls, if you invested 1000€ in your golf clubs, and then you play with balls that are only worth some cents. |
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